Spread Too Thin?
Exhausted from keeping all of the plates spinning?
Do you ever wish for another copy of yourself so you could actually get on top of life?
Do you ever feel guilty because no one (not even your kids) is getting the best version of you?
In fact, in the quiet of night, you sometimes lay awake wondering if they're getting the worst version of you.
Pssst! You don't have to live like this anymore!
Is This You?
How many of these statements do you identify with?
- "I'm so tired from being everything for everyone."
- "I chronically put my own needs on the back burner."
- "I low-key worry about my relationships with my family."
- "I feel like life is happening TO me."
- "I barely remember the last time I wasn't overwhelmed."
6 Things That Are Weighing You Down
From my decade of work with women around the world, I've observed six things that are universally dragging us down:
- Self-criticism
- Perfectionism
- People-Pleasing
- Resentment
- Overwhelm
- Reactivity
These six things are damaging our relationships, destroying our self-concepts, and just generally sucking all the JOY out of our lives!
The question then becomes—How do we get rid of them?

Let Go
In this 6-month, guided coaching program, I’ll teach you my ridiculously simple (but honestly life-changing), 3-step process for transformation, and together—one month at a time—we’ll apply it to each of the six areas.
Not only will we let go of the old, we will become the new.
Together, we’ll move from...
- Self-Critical → Self-Accepting
- Perfection-Seeking → Self-Trusting
- People-Pleasing → Authentic
- Resentful → Empowered
- Overwhelmed → Aligned
- Reactive → Proactive
SO much lighter, right?

Meet Erica
Hi! I'm Erica Layne, certified life coach, bestselling author, podcast host, founder of The Life On Purpose Movement—and most importantly, a wife and mom of three. 🤍
I spent a LOT of years running on empty and ignoring the warning signs. I thought I was giving everyone my all, but in reality, I was only giving them a ghost of myself.
The tools and perspectives that I now teach brought me to LIFE again. Let's get the same for you.

Meet Lisa
Hello! I'm Lisa, a certified women's empowerment coach with a background in cognitive psychology, a health-lover, and a mom of two teens!
Through coaching, I've been able to transform every aspect of my life. I've dropped the overwhelm, self-criticism, and need for control that used to plague me, and I've minimized my people-pleasing tendencies, deepened my connection with my family and most importantly, my relationship with myself. 🤍
I'm honored to coach you through this same process as you participate in Let Go!
"Two things I love about Let Go: (1) Working with Erica isn’t WORK at all; it’s affirming and relieving! (2) She knows how to love people as they are WHILE cheering for their potential. This is unique—and invaluable for your growth."
Kylie H.

"Erica is my favorite coach ever! Both my work life and family life are getting lighter and lighter. She shows me where I’m putting unnecessary pressure on myself and teaches me how to let go and trust myself instead."
Heather A.
Program Content

Month 1: Let Go of
If beating yourself up worked, you'd be perfect by now. There's another way.
Self-Critical ↠ Self-Accepting

Month 2: Let Go of
Tired from holding yourself to such a high standard? You can REST.
Perfection-Seeking ↠ Self-Trusting

Month 3: Let Go of
How many times have you disappointed yourself at the cost of not disappointing others? No more.
People-Pleasing ↠ Authentic

Month 4: Let Go of
You don't have to give until you break. Learn to give from a place of overflow, not depletion.
Resentful ↠ Empowered

Month 5: Let Go of
Did you know overwhelm is optional? No matter WHAT? I've got you!
Overwhelmed ↠ Aligned

Month 6: Let Go of Reactivity
Does it feel like life is happening TO you? We're going to move you from the passenger seat to the driver's seat of your own life.
Reactive ↠ Proactive
"One thing I'll never forget from Let Go is that when I start to feel resentful, it's so much more about what *I'm* not doing for myself than anything that anyone else is or isn't doing. I've finally given myself permission to just stop and do something for me, rather than keep pushing until I snap! Without doubt, I am a happier and healthier person than I was 6 months ago. What a gift!!"
Katy W.

"Let Go was an amazing experience! We had lots of access to coaching, and both Erica and Lisa led with absolute compassion. The video modules got straight to the point and opened my eyes to sooooo many of my own patterns—patterns I've since been able to shift for the better. Would definitely recommend!"
Andrea N.
Monthly Structure
Every month, you'll receive the following features—all focused on that month's topic—allowing you to process it from several angles and really LET GO.
- Video modules from Erica (6 modules in total)
- A BEAUTIFUL printable workbook for each topic—with transformational worksheets and space for notes
- 3 live, group-coaching calls per month with Coach Lisa
- Voxer Tuesdays! Tell Erica what you're struggling with, and she'll coach you through it using this walkie-talkie style app!
- 1 monthly “Ask Erica” video. Submit your questions in writing; Erica will answer on video. 👍
- Coaching in comments: Got questions or stumbling blocks related to the video modules? Just a leave a comment and you'll get support!
As you can see, this coaching program is designed to suit women with all kinds of lifestyles, schedules, and preferences for communication! However you prefer to get support, we've got you!
Additional Features:
- Bonus videos of Erica interviewing influential women in the wellness/mental health space
- A library of past Let Go coaching calls to learn from
What "Let Go" Will Give You
- An easier, more companionable relationship with your kids
- A calmer, happier home for your whole family
- Freedom from the overthinking that keeps you awake at night
- A willingness to disappoint others in order to honor your truest self
- Relief from the staggering pressure of doing all the things
Imagine a world—your home, your mind, your heart—that really looks like this.
You are 100% capable of creating it.
If you aren’t completely satisfied with Let Go, we offer a full refund within the first 30 days. What do you have to lose?
When does Let Go start?
What's the difference between coaching and therapy?
Can *group* coaching really help me?
What if I don't struggle with one of the six topics?
What if I can't make the calls live?
I'm soooo interested, but I don't know how I'd make the time!
"Erica taught me how to feel better without needing everything around me to change—this is gold!"
Deborah S.

"I'm so glad I took the leap! While there's absolutely a place in the world for therapy, I personally took away so much more from coaching. The most important thing being—PEACE."